je me refere a ce forum car aucune solution ne m'est propose ni par l'ambassade du canada, ni par le CRDV.
apres avoir fait ma demande de residences temporaire (visa: visiteur, touriste), il m'a ete demande par le CIC de fournir mes donnees Biometrique au CRDV le plus proche, qui est celui de Port-au-Prince Haiti; ce que j'ai fait en date du 23 Mars 2015.
le 30 Avril 2015, soit 1 mois et 6 jours plus tard je recois une reponse du CIC sur mon compte CIC, me disant que ma demande a ete refuse pour n'avoir pas soumis mes donees biometriques.
je me suis addresse au CRDV, qui de facon tres non-professionel, m'a explique que ce n'etait pas leur probleme.
le services d'immigration de l'ambassade du Canada en Haiti, me reponds que cela a ete traite par le bureau de Port-of-Spain, et donc qu'il n'avait aucune autorite sur ce dossier.
que faire et quoi faire, parce qu'il me semble que "the ball was dropped" quelque part entre le CRDV et le bureau de Port-of-Spain envers lesquels je n'ai aucun recours
I have made an online application for a visitor canadian visa, after submitting all my documents, i received a letter from CIC wich stated that i had to submit my biometric data trough the closest CRDV, wich i did on March 23 2015, and have the receipt to prove it.
now on April 30th 2015, i received an answer from CIC statiing that my application was refused for failling to submit my Biometric data (fingerprints and picture).
I went back to the CRDV that took them, and was told very unprofessionally that i was nt there problem, i had to see with the Canadian Ambassy in Haiti.
I went to the immigration service of the Embassy, and was told that since it was processed by the Port-of-spain office, that they had no authority over this, all the while aknowledging that i had submitted my biometric on their system.
where should i go, what should I do, it seems i have no options alltough i'm in my right
je me refere a ce forum car aucune solution ne m'est propose ni par l'ambassade du canada, ni par le CRDV.
apres avoir fait ma demande de residences temporaire (visa: visiteur, touriste), il m'a ete demande par le CIC de fournir mes donnees Biometrique au CRDV le plus proche, qui est celui de Port-au-Prince Haiti; ce que j'ai fait en date du 23 Mars 2015.
le 30 Avril 2015, soit 1 mois et 6 jours plus tard je recois une reponse du CIC sur mon compte CIC, me disant que ma demande a ete refuse pour n'avoir pas soumis mes donees biometriques.
je me suis addresse au CRDV, qui de facon tres non-professionel, m'a explique que ce n'etait pas leur probleme.
le services d'immigration de l'ambassade du Canada en Haiti, me reponds que cela a ete traite par le bureau de Port-of-Spain, et donc qu'il n'avait aucune autorite sur ce dossier.
que faire et quoi faire, parce qu'il me semble que "the ball was dropped" quelque part entre le CRDV et le bureau de Port-of-Spain envers lesquels je n'ai aucun recours
I have made an online application for a visitor canadian visa, after submitting all my documents, i received a letter from CIC wich stated that i had to submit my biometric data trough the closest CRDV, wich i did on March 23 2015, and have the receipt to prove it.
now on April 30th 2015, i received an answer from CIC statiing that my application was refused for failling to submit my Biometric data (fingerprints and picture).
I went back to the CRDV that took them, and was told very unprofessionally that i was nt there problem, i had to see with the Canadian Ambassy in Haiti.
I went to the immigration service of the Embassy, and was told that since it was processed by the Port-of-spain office, that they had no authority over this, all the while aknowledging that i had submitted my biometric on their system.
where should i go, what should I do, it seems i have no options alltough i'm in my right