mead said:
u already have a masters degree so u should ideally go for Phd however u can take ur chances with another masters degree if u can justify how the second masters degree is necessary for ur career in ur home country . Like what is so special about this new masters degree and how u cannot get the same education in ur home country. Also what r the job prospects in ur home country after completing ur degree.....ur current masters is in a good field and should help ur case. I strongly recommend not to apply for diploma or PG diploma .....this is just my opinion.
Hiee maed..
Thnx for replying..I had to confirm 1 more thing that is it ok to mention in sop that job opportunities after the M.Sc in my subject are less that is why I want to go for another M.Sc. I have done B.Sc in biotechnology, then i did masters in Stem cell and tissue engg, now i thnk of going to Canada for M.Sc in biotechnology...Would it be fine? :-[
Can you tell me that are there MS programs in Canada in Sciences?? :