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Visa officer interview after 3 months of test


Feb 17, 2020
Hi All,
I appeared for the test in mid of November 2019 in Hamilton and cleared it .I got a visa officer interview email scheduled on Feb 27 .

is it normal or something I need to worry about .

please help .
Thanks ,


VIP Member
Apr 2, 2010
Hi All,
I appeared for the test in mid of November 2019 in Hamilton and cleared it .I got a visa officer interview email scheduled on Feb 27 .

is it normal or something I need to worry about .

please help .
Thanks ,
Short Response:

Assuming this is about a grant citizenship application, no this is NOT routine. Without more information it is impossible to even speculate about whether this is merely to address some formalities (such as verifying knowledge of Canada or ability in one of the official languages, or verifying no prohibitions, or verifying any of the other particular requirements) or a hearing in regards to a particular concern.

You, you personally, should know whether it is likely there are potential issues or problems with your application. After all, YOU know the facts better than anyone, better than the officer who will interview you.

Longer Response:

Since this part of the forum is about citizenship and you reference taking "the test" in November, I assume your scheduled interview is with either a Citizenship Processing Agent or a Citizenship Officer and NOT a visa officer.

I am guessing you participated in a PI Interview attendant the test event in November, which is usually an interview (usually referred to as the test interview) with a Processing Agent and is mostly about checking original documents (passport, Identification), verifying identity, language ability, and a few questions to see if there is any reason to doubt the applicant's information.

If you did indeed have the PI Interview attendant the test, this is probably an interview with a Citizenship Officer.

I am not sure, not even close to being confident, it is with a Citizenship Officer. But if it is, this is a non-routine procedure which, so far as we can discern, means IRCC has a specific concern you do NOT meet one of the requirements for a grant of citizenship. The forum does not see many reports about Citizenship Officer interviews and they do not appear to be common. Such interviews are essentially a hearing.

If you failed the written test, this could be an oral test of your knowledge of Canada.

If you struggled a bit in conversation with a processing agent at the test, this could be to verify your ability in an official language.

Otherwise, without more information about your case or situation, it is impossible to answer your query except to note that interviews with Citizenship Officers are NOT routine and typically are about a particular concern that the applicant does not meet one of the requirements to be granted citizenship. How big a problem that is can vary widely. From, as I mentioned, mostly about verifying the applicant's ability in an official language, to far more serious matters like suspected misrepresentation.


Feb 17, 2020
Thanks a lot for your reply .after taking my citizenship exam they asked me to leave and told to inform me about next steps .surprisingly they didn’t have any interview that day .


VIP Member
Apr 2, 2010
Thanks a lot for your reply .after taking my citizenship exam they asked me to leave and told to inform me about next steps .surprisingly they didn’t have any interview that day .
Just to add.they told me that I passed the exam
I am curious. Did they ask you to leave after you took the exam or was there a conversation with a processing agent who informed you of your exam results?

From your posts it appears obvious there was an interview of some sort during which you were informed you passed the exam.

The interview scheduled for February 27 is NOT routine. Moreover, in so far as the reporting I have seen, it is not a common sort of non-routine.

It may be about a real problem. Or a mere formality.

As I previously commented, YOU KNOW your case better than anyone, better than anyone in the whole world. Better than any officer or processing agent in IRCC. You should know the requirements for citizenship. You should be able to figure out if it is likely there is a serious issue or not.

Here's a clue: if you know of anything that could be a problem, fair chance there is a problem.

Caveat: obviously the above is for a citizenship applicant who prepared and submitted his or her own application, not for someone who used a consultant to make the application. Potentially a different ball game if you used a consultant. If a consultant prepared and submitted your application, that is a key circumstance to reveal when asking questions in a forum like this.


Feb 17, 2020
30 mins after the exam the person in reception told few of us to leave telling that we cleared the exam and cic will inform us next steps .but at the same time they were interviewing few other .i don’t see any issue with my application but still curious


VIP Member
Apr 2, 2010
30 mins after the exam the person in reception told few of us to leave telling that we cleared the exam and cic will inform us next steps .but at the same time they were interviewing few other .i don’t see any issue with my application but still curious
The vast majority of QUALIFIED citizenship applicants who completely and accurately prepared their own citizenship applications, and who have no issues related to prohibitions, language ability, meeting the presence requirement, misrepresentation (at any stage of their immigration path), no criminality or security issues, HAVE NOTHING TO WORRY ABOUT.

Odd things do happen. A processing agent conducting interviews could have an emergency or be unable to complete the interviews for that day's event. In this circumstance, it would make sense that those applicants not yet interviewed would be told to leave and then be contacted later to complete the PI Interview. This is ONE of the possibilities.

But if that is what happened, I would have expected them to explain the situation and clearly state you would be contacted for an interview later, for them to give that explanation then and there, attendant the statements about "clearing" or passing the test. But this is unusual enough it is impossible to second-guess how IRCC deals with a situation like that.

In general, other possibilities are more common, thus more likely.

But most of the other possibilities suggest some concern or problem.

Which brings this back around to why I emphasized YOU know your own case better than anyone. If you OBJECTIVELY (and actually, honestly evaluating things) have NO reason to worry, that almost always means there is NO reason to worry. In which event, if indeed there is no reason why there should be any concerns or problems with your application, as unlikely as it is that something happened causing IRCC to postpone the interviews that day, there appears to be a significant likelihood that is the situation here. That is, that for whatever reason IRCC was not able to complete the PI Interview the day of your test and now they will do that.