It says that the job offer is not valid,but i know the job offer is valid but The Lmo got expired after one month of submission which is alrite according to the cic web site.V/O asked me to do another LMO but My employer contacted HRSDC and they said they cant do it again,then V/O wanted HRSDC to contact the local embassy directly. you know HRSDC replied the employer that they are unable to contact the local embassy here.
another freind of mine applied at the same time for the same employer ,he got his visa jaust after 6 days of the final took them 3 months after the interview with the vo to return my pp without visa.
you guys have any ideas about my situation?.I talked to my agent in canada and they want me to apply for a another LMO.I have paid alot of money them already before and they want me to pay money for the LMO again.
I am really not my self at the momnet and dont know what to do,