From whom did u get this email, CHC or VFS?vishal23489 said:Applied on 26th july.
Just got the mail today saying -
Dear Mr...
Your application to study or work in Canada has been approved.
Is this the one for which we are starving ?
No man,karthik1990 said:Approval mail comes from chc only...vfs only gives you tracking information... Hey Raja, Did you get your passport ?
I will let u know when I get my passport..!karthik1990 said:chill bro, as I said already you got good profile so dont worryHave faith...all the best
Thanks diptadipta said:Congratulations Vishal for getting Canada Study Visa.
Congrts bro, u ll get pp soon, pray for pending like me, hav funsaleemlak said:Hey guys i applied on the 29th of july under SPP... 30th it reached CHC... today i recieved this mail which says my application has been approved.. but doesnt say anything about the visa... wt does this mean ?
Hey got the visa!!! congratssaleemlak said:Hey guys i applied on the 29th of july under SPP... 30th it reached CHC... today i recieved this mail which says my application has been approved.. but doesnt say anything about the visa... wt does this mean ?
From where did you apply?saleemlak said:Hey guys i applied on the 29th of july under SPP... 30th it reached CHC... today i recieved this mail which says my application has been approved.. but doesnt say anything about the visa... wt does this mean ?