That covers most of it I guess. But what do you mean by financial support letter. As far as I know just a letter is not enough. It is to be evidenced by two years of Income tax returns & last 6 months bank statements. Did you also give a GMAT, GRE or any other exam? For university non SPP applications I don't think you need to attach 10th and 12th Marksheets. Anything for a degree after 12th is needed. But its your call. Most people forget that there is also a thing as too much of documentation. Attaching a lot of documents when not required shows desperation and raises doubts too. My recommendation is get the university application checklist from the cic website and stick to it. Attach a short covering letter, GIC (if available), fee receipt, the family info form, vfs disclaimer forms, student questionnaire and the study permit application. Just make sure that whatever you mention in your study permit questionnaire, the timelines, degrees etc are evidenced through proper certificates and documents.