Hi Ivancica canadianwoman & Guguz are correct with their answers. I have been to about 4 or 5 full appeal hearings here in Vancouver. They are good and helpful to attend to. I was never given any dates to attend an ADR as the majority are full hearings for family class appeal hearings. They call them "bad faith" appeal hearings, I know sounds horrible, but this is what they call thse hearings

. If you or anybody would like to attend any of these hearings, just mention you would like to attend some hearings, that you will be an observer only. You have a hearing coming up for yourself. You would like to prepare yourself mentally and think it would be a good experience overall to help yourself for your hearing. the number to call is on your acknowledgement letter of your notice to appeal that you received from the IAD. It is a long wait while listening to press this or that etc. but, just wait it out. Don't press anything until it says... you have received your blue book and would like the next steps after this press 1 do that I think if I can remember and just wait until the reception answers. It is usally a woman with a French accent, very nice or it is a man also very nice to talk with. Sometimes they don't answer as they are busy. When they do answer ask to be transfered to a case manager please. You will get transfered, you may get a voice mail to leave a message. Leave a mesaage with your file #,name and contact #, date, time. The case manager will call you back,if not as soon as you like then call back and hopefully they will answer your call. This is what happened with me. The case manager will give you her or his name and ask for your e-mail address and they will send you dates and times of "bad faith" appeal hearings for the following week. Usually they have the dates by Thursday or Friday the week before if there are any of these types of hearings available for the following week.There are many different types of hearings going on as well as these ones as well so keep this in mind.I think I saw 5 or 6 court rooms on floor 17 so this is how many hearings they do each day. The full hearings of "bad faith" are all day long 8 hours or more so they take up 1 court room all day long.Keep this in mind as well.The ADR hearings are about 1 to 1.5 hours in total. My experience I received going to these hearings was very helpful to me and highly recommend you/everybody go a couple of times. I hope this helps everyone. XO