I have just had my test this morning. The whole session took nearly three hours. The test is half an hour, however you can finish it within a few minutes. I got 19 out 20. The test is easy and one does not need to feel stressed about it.
Most of the waiting was on the interview. During the interview, the interviewer could read the stamps that are on my first language, and she did not need to look at the translation! However, she said it is good that I brought the translation for the judges! She checked all the stamps against my travel history listed on my residence calculation sheet. I have only 4 dates on my residence calculation sheet (two for each travel). She could not verify one date since my passport did not have a stamp for entering Malaysia. I told her that my passport was not stamped since I had an employment pass there. I had a copy of my flight ticket (and not the boarding pass) for that trip with me, and I showed it to her and she asked me if she can keep it with my file. She marked three dates as checked and one is not marked and she attached the flight ticket to it. Other than the passport checking, she asked me about my current job (different than the one that I had on my application) and she wrote it down. She did not want to see my T4s.
I hope things get smooth.
All the best for everyone here