fruitball4u said:
Have you had experience with this? My boyfriend and I had decided to wait until we had everything around so that we could send in a complete application...and then he got a new credit card while we were waiting...which in turn got denied when they tried to run it. They sent a letter requesting new payment, but now according to the lady on the phone, we're back at the end of the line again (I originally mailed it in at the beginning of December and now my date is set at March 24th

). My work permit expires in June, so I DID have plenty of time to get things around and then switch from worker to visitor...but now if I have to wait another four months, my work permit will have expired and I'm afraid I won't be granted an extended stay without having a PR application submitted.
Thoughts? I'm afraid to not do it, but I'm afraid to send my application ahead only to have it denied because it was "incomplete". :/
Yes, I did this myself and so have many others. I'll copy and paste my comment from the last page of this thread -
My first FBI check was flat out wrong, so I had to get the information updated and apply a second time for the corrected one. I mailed mine off right before this whole system-change-fiasco went down, so when I didn't receive my application in 4 weeks I called in. That's when they let me know that wait times had gone up to 3 months.
At the counsel of this forum and other Ottawa applicants, many of whom had sent off their medicals/police clearances after Sponsorship Approval (aka after it arrived at the 2nd visa office, in our case Ottawa), I mailed off my application in Sept 2014 *without* my updated FBI check, and I included a letter about why, given the FBI's wait times, and that I would be forwarding on my FBI check as soon as it was received.
It's now been several months, we received SA and I received my FBI Background Check. I mailed it off to Ottawa. It's been a few months now and I haven't heard a peep, but we ordered our GCMS notes and they had written that they received my current FBI background check and attached it to my file. It has not negatively impacted my application in the slightest.
If you are worried that not having a FBI check with your application is going to mess up your application, please don't be. They see this quite often and are fully aware of what's going on with the FBI. Chances are you will have sent to your Police Clearance to your VO LONG before they even get to your month's applications.
Do not hesitate to send your application without it, especially if it's going to save you months of waiting..