This thread is dedicated to my "fellow Americans" applying for permanent residence in Canada. Whether you've moved, are in the process of moving, or are planning to move in the future, being a US citizen can present unique challenges (and sometimes benefits) in Canada, and this is a place to connect with others in the same boat.
Some examples of topics we might discuss:
Moving to Canada:
IRCC - Crossing the border: documents you need
UPack - Tips on moving from the US to Canada
Importing a vehicle:
Registrar of Imported Vehicles
Transport Canada - Importing a Vehicle
Transport Canada - Importing vehicles purchased in the United States - Importing a Vehicle
US Census Bureau - Exporting Vehicles to Canada
Ontario - Exchange an out-of-province driver's licence
BC - Moving from Outside Canada
Alberta - Exchange a license from outside Alberta
Filing Taxes Abroad:
IRS - FAQs About International Individual Tax Matters
IRS - Filing with a Nonresident Alien Spouse
Taxes for Expats - Simple Tax Guide for Americans in Canada - Newcomers to Canada (immigrants)
Greenback Expat Tax Services - A Guide to Filing US Taxes as an American Living in Canada
Finances: - Opening a Bank Account in Canada - How to bring 401(k)s and IRAs to Canada
CardinalPoint - Options for US IRA account holders when living in Canada
Investopedia - The Tax Implications of Opening a Foreign Bank Account
KVDB - US Citizens and Canadian Tax Free Savings Accounts (TFSA) - Investing tips for dual citizens of Canada and the US
TE Wealth - Critical tax issues for Americans investing in Canada
Exchange services:
Transferwise (good for smaller amounts - PM me for a referral link
Knightsbridge FX (good for larger amounts)
Norbert's Gambit
Connections and Resources:
American Citizens Abroad
Democrats Abroad
Republicans Overseas
IRCC - Newcomer services
Trumprefugee's blog
Some examples of topics we might discuss:
- Which stream did you use/are you using?
- Why move to Canada?
- Challenges of moving and becoming "Canadian"
- Experiences abroad
- Passport requests/"ready for visa"
- Logistics of moving
- Importing/exporting vehicles and goods from the US to Canada
- Managing finances abroad (and FATCA, GILTI, etc.)
- Moving funds across the border
- Tax filing and reporting requirements for US citizens in Canada
- Visiting family in the states and getting your family to visit you
- Benefits and drawbacks of renouncing citizenship
Moving to Canada:
IRCC - Crossing the border: documents you need
UPack - Tips on moving from the US to Canada
Importing a vehicle:
Registrar of Imported Vehicles
Transport Canada - Importing a Vehicle
Transport Canada - Importing vehicles purchased in the United States - Importing a Vehicle
US Census Bureau - Exporting Vehicles to Canada
Ontario - Exchange an out-of-province driver's licence
BC - Moving from Outside Canada
Alberta - Exchange a license from outside Alberta
Filing Taxes Abroad:
IRS - FAQs About International Individual Tax Matters
IRS - Filing with a Nonresident Alien Spouse
Taxes for Expats - Simple Tax Guide for Americans in Canada - Newcomers to Canada (immigrants)
Greenback Expat Tax Services - A Guide to Filing US Taxes as an American Living in Canada
Finances: - Opening a Bank Account in Canada - How to bring 401(k)s and IRAs to Canada
CardinalPoint - Options for US IRA account holders when living in Canada
Investopedia - The Tax Implications of Opening a Foreign Bank Account
KVDB - US Citizens and Canadian Tax Free Savings Accounts (TFSA) - Investing tips for dual citizens of Canada and the US
TE Wealth - Critical tax issues for Americans investing in Canada
Exchange services:
Transferwise (good for smaller amounts - PM me for a referral link
Knightsbridge FX (good for larger amounts)
Norbert's Gambit
Connections and Resources:
American Citizens Abroad
Democrats Abroad
Republicans Overseas
IRCC - Newcomer services
Trumprefugee's blog
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