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US Citizen: Trouble getting through immigration last month and visiting again...


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Jan 7, 2012
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July 11th, 2012
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November, 2013
Okay, so, last month I flew to Canada from the U.S... I spent 2 and a half hours in immigration and both my fiancee (now husband) and I were questioned. It was my second time to Canada. The first time through Immigration, it took about 15 minutes to go through the process and I was allowed to proceed with my visit. My luggage wasn't searched and I was very lightly questioned about my visit.

This time was quite different: All of my luggage was searched and as I said, we were both questioned for 2 and a half hours. They were apparently concerned that I had no intention of leaving Canada, though I hadn't given them reason to think so, and it wasn't my intention at all. I was simply there for a 10 day visit and even had my return tickets. They ended up letting me in to visit but stamped my passport and gave me a pink slip with my information on it and his, and with a date that I was required to leave by. I was interviewed and questioned by the same immigration officers on both visits... The first visit, they were extremely polite, the second time.. Not so much.

My question is: Is this going to cause a problem for me when I drive up for an even longer visit at the end of this month? I plan on staying for almost 6 months. Everything has been planned and my husband plans on meeting me at the border. Does getting my passport stamped once guarantee that it'll be stamped again? Will it cause problems for me? Is it possible that more information about why my passport was stamped (their suspicions, etc.) is in their computer than is on the slip that I was given?
And another question: About two months into the visit, I'm going to need to leave for about a week to attend to a family matter... Should I have a problem getting back across the border to continue my visit?

Also: As I said, on this visit, I was there for 10 days. On the slip that they gave me it said that I had little funds to support my visit... Even though, when asked how much I had, I told them that I had just over $3000. Is that normally considered "little funds" for a 10 day visit? How much would seem normal for a 6 month visit if I plan to stay with my husband?


Full Member
Jan 7, 2012
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July 11th, 2012
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November, 2013
Also, does anyone have any advice on how to make this as easy as possible? I'm traveling with a dog and a cat. The only things that I'll have with me will be clothes, some pet supplies, and maybe some other smaller gifts for my husband... I plan on going to the vet before I leave to get a clean bill of health for both of them, but is there anything else that I may need? And as long as the clean bill of health was issued within a week of arriving at the border, that should be fine, right? I'll have my passport, of course, and I plan on printing out a copy of my online bank statement to show how much money I have available in my account (in addition to my credit card). I'm also going to have my husband write a letter of invite even though he's going to meet me at the border just in case... Any suggestions on that? What should it include?

Anything that you can think of that I may be missing would be appreciated.


VIP Member
Jun 8, 2010
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There is no guarantee what will happen during your upcoming border trips and yes - there's a chance you may have problems each time you try to enter. Since you've had problems once, this increases your chances that you will have problems again (since the immigration official you dealt with last time may have made notes in the system that can be seen by the next immigration official you encounter). To increase your chances of a smooth visit there are a number of things you can do:

- Assuming your husband is planning on sponsoring you for PR using the outland process, start the paperwork now and preferably have the paperwork completed and submitted before you try to cross the border. Bring proof you have submitted the paperwork. Bring proof that you have paid the fees.
- Have your husband cross with you from the US to Canada and have him to all of the talking (i.e. confirming that you are either working on or have already submitted the PR application and you're only coming here as a visitor for now).
- Pack like a visitor since you're only allowed to visit Canada right now not "live" here. Bringing your pets screams "I'm coming to live here" and is a huge red flag. I'm sure you don't want to hear this, but I would leave the pets in the US for now.
- Keep border crossings to a minimum
- Bring proof that shows you have strong ties to the US (job, properties, rental agreement, school enrollment)
- If you are flying or taking the bus across the border, bring proof of your departure travel and date

I'm sure others will be by to offer additional advice. Many of us here (myself included) have been through periods of time where our US spouses or partners have visited us in Canada before they had official PR status. For some of us border crossings went relatively smoothly - for others not so much. Always keep in mind that the decision about whether to allow you into Canada is a decision that is up to the immigration official you encounter at the border. There are no true black and white rules. That immigration officer can either let you in for the standard six months, let you in for a specified period of time that is less than six months, deny you entry or even give you a one year ban from entering Canada (very rare - but this has happened to a couple of Americans here).

Hope this helps at least somewhat. Good luck.


Full Member
Jan 7, 2012
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July 11th, 2012
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November, 2013
Will a recent (as in a few days prior to the trip) pay-stub be sufficient for proof of job? And what if my current lease agreement is up at the end of May (well before I'm wanting to return to the U.S.)? What else is considered "strong ties"?
I can't leave my dog in the U.S. I have no one to leave her with and she has severe separation anxiety. I know what you're saying about how it will seem more like I'm moving there if I bring them, but it's really not an option for me.
Aside from the pets, the only things that I'll be bringing are clothes and other necessities. No furniture, nothing like that.

We'll be paying the fees for the PR application online in the next few days and we'll have the receipt for that. The documents haven't been submitted yet because we want to mail them all in together... But will having them filled out and ready to mail be good enough?

Since I obviously won't have proof of departure date and travel since I'm driving over, would hotel reservations for the return trip help?


VIP Member
Jun 8, 2010
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I would bring most of the evidence you have listed (i.e. pay stubbs, proof of PR application payments, etc.). I'm not sure what you mean by hotel reservations for the return trip. If you mean hotel reservations in the US - then I would leave that out since it makes it look like you've given up your permanent living space in the US.

Other strong ties to the US would be: letter from employer confirming that you have a full time job and are just taking some time off to visit Canada, proof of school enrollement with fees paid, property ownership (rather than a lease which has a fixed term), proof of business ownership. Stuff like that. You won't necessarily be asked for this information. But if you get called into secondary inspection, it's good to whatever you can get your hands on.

It's too bad your dog has to come with you (althought I completely understand why).

Hope the crossing goes smoothly! It's really a dice roll. Nine times out of ten you're probably fine. But of course it's that one time we all worry about.


Full Member
Jan 7, 2012
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July 11th, 2012
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November, 2013
I meant, since I'm driving, hotel reservations for the way back... I live in the far south of the U.S. and I wouldn't drive the entire trip in one day (I'd probably stop to sleep twice, at least)... So I mean hotel reservations for the stops between Canada and my home state.


VIP Member
Jun 8, 2010
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rachel85704 said:
I meant, since I'm driving, hotel reservations for the way back... I live in the far south of the U.S. and I wouldn't drive the entire trip in one day (I'd probably stop to sleep twice, at least)... So I mean hotel reservations for the stops between Canada and my home state.
Got it! Makes sense! Then yes - go ahead and include.


Full Member
Jul 11, 2011
rachel85704 said:
I meant, since I'm driving, hotel reservations for the way back... I live in the far south of the U.S. and I wouldn't drive the entire trip in one day (I'd probably stop to sleep twice, at least)... So I mean hotel reservations for the stops between Canada and my home state.
Just to give you a perspective on how your situation might be perceived, as I read this specific piece, I kept thinking that it would be much more convenient and maybe even more cost efficient if you would fly into Canada, instead of driving for 2-3 days if it is just for a "visit". So what might be the reason you drive...?? To transport the car because you are planning on staying? I personally get that you probably just want that freedom of movement while you are in Canada (and probably easier on the pets instead of flying) , but immigration, who is looking for suspicious things, might perceive this as untowards and cause them to question you more closely.

So even though it sounds like you are doing it the right way, there are some red flags that immigration will see and probably continue to question you about. Or they might just take a quick look and send you on you on your way without any scrutiny. You just never know for sure.


Hero Member
Jan 12, 2012
Visa Office......
Buffalo->New York
Job Offer........
App. Filed.......
Doc's Request.
AOR Received.
04-01-2012 (Email from Buffalo)
File Transfer...
02-02-2012 (Buffalo->New York: notified by email from Buffalo)
Med's Done....
Passport Req..
11-04-2012; 23Apr: PP copy delivered at NY
01-05-2012 (as per COPR); 4May: Decision Made on eCAS; 8May: COPR rcvd (Canada address)
10-05-2012; 12May: Status in eCAS disappeared; 13Jul: PR Card rcv'd
Would holding a NEXUS helps?


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Jun 8, 2010
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GOGOGO said:
Would holding a NEXUS helps?
It might or it might not. Probably worth a try.

If you are already somehow flagged in the system, having a Nexus pass won't help and you'll still get pulled for further questioning. Even if you aren't flagged, they randomly grab you every once in a while and make you talk to a real person rather than just dealing with the eye scanning machine. A friend of mine (American) and Nexus holder who was in the process of getting her PR application together was randomly grabbed once while entering Canada. She was questioned for hours and came within an inch of getting refused entry. They didn't care two bits that she was a Nexus pass holder.

As an aside, I love my Nexus pass and am a huge fan.


Sep 18, 2011
Looks like the Officers suspicions were bang on.....

Limited Ties to the USA

- No one to leave your pets with
- No Apartment / No House
- No Employer
- Long visit

Not much to worry about though at the US/Can land border. You will find that they are very accommodating, just have proof of marriage.