For the past eight months I have been calling various employers and recruitment agencies trying to find an LMO available position in the Lloydminster and Edmonton areas with very little luck. I have sent in around 100-200 resumes/cover letters and just got back from a three and a half month stay in Alberta where I was led on by a company with several LMO's in processing. About a week before I had to leave, and after three months of them telling me that they were going to hire me as soon as the LMO's became available, I found out that they filled every one with a group of South Koreans. Now I'm back in the states with no idea on what to do next... All I want is to be with my long-time girlfriend in Alberta, but it seems damn-near impossible to get there... Does anyone have any advice to help? I would greatly appreciate anything right now... We are both just sick and tired of this process...