This seems rather ridiculous but I'll try to shorten this story. Friend and I are both self employed through the internet and only graduated college like a year or two ago so we live at home with our parents. We wanted to go to Canada for 2 months to live there to get some traveling in and figured that since you are allowed to go to Canada for up to 180 days without a visa just using passport that it would be no problem. We drive up there and answer the questions and provide all sorts of documentation the best we could, but long story short are rejected for not having proof of employment or any utility bills back at home showing a need to go back home. Due to our situations in life right now we just don't have those to provide because of being self employed online and not owning a house. I then decided to try again a week later because I talked to some people who all agreed the problem was saying that I was going to stay for 2 months, so the second time around I just said I was going to stay for 2-3 days and ended up going through the same process and being denied for the same reason. What are my options here, what's going on, and what should I do? Would getting a visitor visa or something even help even though a visa isn't required anyway to go to Canada? Could I get a workers visa? What are my options here and is this common? Felt rather ridiculous to me.