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URGENT !!! Tiger and other senior member


Apr 5, 2012
I am planning to go to canada for PG diploma Earlier I got overall 6 band but I am not happy with IELTS score so I am retaking test on 19th May and this time I have prepared well and will get 6.5+ band .Now the problem is will that be too late to apply for September intake coz I will be getting hard copy of my IELTS score by 3rd June and I still have to take admission in college.Now I am getting admission with fanshawe and lambton college but my preference is Humber, George brown or seneca college toronto soplease guide me through what should I do ?? will I get admission in top college ..Further more also please tell me whether I should go for 1 year diploma or 2 year to get PR my preference is 1 year coz I am not financially not strong.. ???please advice thanks alot ::)


Champion Member
PRINCE007 said:
I am planning to go to canada for PG diploma Earlier I got overall 6 band but I am not happy with IELTS score so I am retaking test on 19th May and this time I have prepared well and will get 6.5+ band .Now the problem is will that be too late to apply for September intake coz I will be getting hard copy of my IELTS score by 3rd June and I still have to take admission in college.Now I am getting admission with fanshawe and lambton college but my preference is Humber, George brown or seneca college toronto soplease guide me through what should I do ?? will I get admission in top college ..Further more also please tell me whether I should go for 1 year diploma or 2 year to get PR my preference is 1 year coz I am not financially not strong.. ???please advice thanks alot ::)

If you are sure to score 6.5+in IELTS, and hold a 3 years University degree (preferably with atleast 50% as SOME college MAY not accept scores in graduation below 50%), then you can apply to ALL the colleges for PG diploma /certificate programme in your field and or general business field of study, depending upon your profile.

Most of these colleges such as Lambton, Fanshawe, Humber etc etc. are more or less same..and all fall under SPP category (If you are from India... 1st time applying for visa to these colleges, you will apply under SPP). In my personal opinion, I always prefer colleges in main Toronto city such as Centennial, George brown, Humber...rather than far off small town colleges like Lambton in Sarnia.. Nevertheless..it's your personal preference..and depends on which course you want to join and or where you would like to stay.

As far as I know..the latest date of acceptance of application for Sept. intake by most of these colleges is 15th JUNE (atleast via the educational agents who have tie ups with these colleges). What you can do is either contact the colleges individually or via some reputed educational agent (only the MOST reputed..not any roadside consultants), pay the application fees and take conditional admission to a programme of your choice. Once your IELTS score of 6.5+ arrives, you can send them the score card and your admission will be confirmed. Then, pay up the 1st sem/1 year fees(depending upon the college), secure a loan (80% of loan from a recognized bank, for total expenses of 1st academic year is compulsory to apply under SPP and you can take the loan earlier and pay 1st sem/1st yera college fees from the loan too) and apply for the visa by mid-June/June end. So...you have just enough time. Don't worry.

As far as 1 or 2 years course is concerned... you will have to think..as to where you stand, how capable you are to bag a job... will you be able to manage to get a skilled job offer in just 1 year post grad work permit (PGWP)[after 1 year course]..are you willing to do everything fast...and take risk of trying to do everything within 1 year? If not..it's highly reccomended..that you or anyone..do a 2 years course, get a 3 years PGWP..which will give plenty of time... for you to find an appropriate job and settle down in Canada. So.. if you are 100% sure that you can manage within 1 year PGWP..then go for a 1 year course..or else opt for an 2 years course. 2years PGWP..will definitely give you or anyone much more chances and time to get the PR....as compared to just 1 year PGWP. It's upto you to consider the options...and arrange for the finances. (maybe you can take a bigger loan).

Hope it helps.

Best of Luck.

***All info provided are to the best of my knowledge, and you should consult other sources too.


Apr 5, 2012
Thanks a ton Tiger bro for taking time to respond to my queries .

Oops I forgot to mention my profile.Well I am from India hyderabad and I got 55% in grad (2010) with 2 years exp in BPO sector.

Firstly, My concern is to get admission and As you told to get conditional offer letter but humber and george brown are no longer issuing conditional letter with 6 band I can only get admission in lambton and fanshawe which I don't want to get into ....So should I wait untill 3rd June and then apply for admission to humber or george brown (will seats available )with better score or should I get admission to fanshawe just to reserve seat for sept intake and den transfer to humber (if seats available)as soon as I get my new score.could you tell me howmany days it take to get offer letter and when do we have to confirm as well as when we have to pay 1st sem fee ...whole process ??? besides this I will also contact good educational consultant but u know most of them make fools and take your money so I am asking you.

Regarding Job and PR ???....What is job market in canada I mean on campus jobs as well as off campus job is it good or bad is it possible to get on campus job and post study .......I can only arrange 8 lakhs of funds not more than that so It is very difficult for me to take 2 years course coz fees would be around 13 lakhs so its very hard for me to pay second year fee I have got question here is it possible to save money and pay some tution fees I mean we get 4 months of vacation after 2 sem and after getting off campus permit ?if that is case than I can go for 2 years course so I can add money and pay 2nd year fee but it seems chances are slim to none ...so shall I go for 1 year study and 1 year work (to save money for 2nd diploma course) and again study for 1 year please advice and now I think its very hard to get PR with 1 year course coz recently SINP rules changed and may be in future it might be more tighter which is best PNP option for 1 year PG diploma and once you apply to PNP nomination or CEC how much time it takes to get PR and how long do we have to stay in same province..any conditions please guide me through thanks ton :)


Champion Member
PRINCE007 said:
Thanks a ton Tiger bro for taking time to respond to my queries .

Oops I forgot to mention my profile.Well I am from India hyderabad and I got 55% in grad (2010) with 2 years exp in BPO sector.

Firstly, My concern is to get admission and As you told to get conditional offer letter but humber and george brown are no longer issuing conditional letter with 6 band I can only get admission in lambton and fanshawe which I don't want to get into ....So should I wait untill 3rd June and then apply for admission to humber or george brown (will seats available )with better score or should I get admission to fanshawe just to reserve seat for sept intake and den transfer to humber (if seats available)as soon as I get my new score.could you tell me howmany days it take to get offer letter and when do we have to confirm as well as when we have to pay 1st sem fee ...whole process ??? besides this I will also contact good educational consultant but u know most of them make fools and take your money so I am asking you.

Regarding Job and PR ???....What is job market in canada I mean on campus jobs as well as off campus job is it good or bad is it possible to get on campus job and post study .......I can only arrange 8 lakhs of funds not more than that so It is very difficult for me to take 2 years course coz fees would be around 13 lakhs so its very hard for me to pay second year fee I have got question here is it possible to save money and pay some tution fees I mean we get 4 months of vacation after 2 sem and after getting off campus permit ?if that is case than I can go for 2 years course so I can add money and pay 2nd year fee but it seems chances are slim to none ...so shall I go for 1 year study and 1 year work (to save money for 2nd diploma course) and again study for 1 year please advice and now I think its very hard to get PR with 1 year course coz recently SINP rules changed and may be in future it might be more tighter which is best PNP option for 1 year PG diploma and once you apply to PNP nomination or CEC how much time it takes to get PR and how long do we have to stay in same province..any conditions please guide me through thanks ton :)


You are very well eligible to apply under SPP.

You must contact the respective colleges, and explain to them your situation. Tell them, that you cannot apply before 3rd of June. See what they have to say. I'm in no position to tell..whether seats will be vacant or not. Only the college knows. Often , reputed educational agents who have tie-ups with these colleges can get you admission in the last moment.(before 15th June). You should contact any such reputed agent, if in case you see that they are not entertaining your individual late application. They will surely accept via an agent. But, I believe if seat is vacant..you should not have any problems getting admission even after 3rd June. To be sure... I think..it will be a good idea to keep a college seat reserved for you in a college like Fanshawe... just incase there are nos eats available in Humber or George Brown. After getting admission..usually one has to pay the 1st sem fees within a prescribed deadline to reserved the seat for you.

As long as you are aware of the facts, done your homework and consult a reputed agent, then no one can make a fool out of you.

Under SINP..now it's very very difficult..or near impossible to apply if you have 1 year PGWP. Because you will need to work for 12 months, get a permanent job offer and THEN ONLY apply for PR. So, it's highly reccomended, that one should pursue a 2 years course and then apply for and get a 3 years PGWP..as it will give enough time to not only apply under SINP..but also give you plenty of time to progress and search for a skilled job which will allow you to apply for PR via any other immigration programme.
Arranging finances for 2 years course..is upto you. To study for 2 years.... You must gather funds for... 2 years tuition fees+atleast 10,000C$ (for living expenses of 1 year or more if you can manage)+ airfare+ preparation for travel/shopping etc.

Best of Luck.


Apr 5, 2012
Thanks for swift reply As I told you earlier now I can only arrange max of 8 lacks :-[ remaining funds I can do if i get loan over there or if i can work there in vacation and off campus and pay 3rd and 4th sem fee.??? ..is it possible to study 1 year den work 1 year gather some money and again join 1 year course what do you say is it good thing to do and also 2 year course is offered by very few collage and finance would be problem for me ?? and now what is option left for getting PR for 1 year pg diploma course I mean which is best PNP now I heard nova scotia you can get nominated after 3 months of work in relevant field so is it possible to get job in relevant field after pg diploma ...please advice


Champion Member
PRINCE007 said:
Thanks for swift reply As I told you earlier now I can only arrange max of 8 lacks :-[ remaining funds I can do if i get loan over there or if i can work there in vacation and off campus and pay 3rd and 4th sem fee.??? ..is it possible to study 1 year den work 1 year gather some money and again join 1 year course what do you say is it good thing to do and also 2 year course is offered by very few collage and finance would be problem for me ?? and now what is option left for getting PR for 1 year pg diploma course I mean which is best PNP now I heard nova scotia you can get nominated after 3 months of work in relevant field so is it possible to get job in relevant field after pg diploma ...please advice

1. Getting loan there (if you mean in Canada), then is impossible..as per my knowledge you may get only if you have a Canadian as your guarantor, that too I'm not sure. So, forget about getting loan there.
2. As I told you..no matter whatever you do..how many hours or jobs you do..it's virtually Impossible to save enough money for 2nd year tuition fees. To the max..you may manage to earn enough for your living expenses, by starting an off campus part time job/jobs after 6 months of studies... So.. again I say: you must must gather funds for 1st year+2nd year tuition fees + 10,000C$ (min living expenses for as long as you can stretch...and rest supplement later by working part time jobs)+ airfare+ personal preparation/shopping expenses...
3. You CANNOT work full time after 1 year course on PGWP..and then again join another course of 1 year...ans the PGWP is given only once in your lifetime to international students. So..you get it once...and you must make use of it carefully. If you use your PGWP after 1 year course...and then even though you may apply for n number of courses..you will never ever receive another PGWP...and hence will never be able to work under PGWP in Canada. So, best to do 2 years course or 2 1 year consecutive courses, and get a 3 years PGWP (which is max possible).
4. Yes, under Nova Scotia PNP, one needs to work only for 3 months in any full time permanent skilled NOC O,A, or B job..and then apply for PNP nomination and PR. It's very well suited for those with just 1 year PGWP..BUT you have to keep in mind..that GETTING SKILLED JOB IN CANADA is challenging (except for people from top level universities with Master's/PHds... brilliant academic record/work ex track)...especially without any Canadian work experience. So..are you sure..you can get a skilled job so soon?

So, in short.. you Must arrange money to go for a 2 years course... or go ahead..take a risk...and opt for an one year course...

Best of luck.


Apr 5, 2012
Hey Tiger Now I am planning to go for 1 year diploma course as 2 year diploma course has less option (college and specialization) as well as I am not aware about my financial stability after 1 year of study so, Now I would like to know that if I study 2 consecutive 1 year diploma I mean After studying 1 year if I can arrange some more finance for study I can go for another 1 year diploma so will 2 diploma of 8 months each will lead to 3 year PGWP or not please advice and also give me some link of PNP nomination rules and conditions Thanks


Champion Member
PRINCE007 said:
Hey Tiger Now I am planning to go for 1 year diploma course as 2 year diploma course has less option (college and specialization) as well as I am not aware about my financial stability after 1 year of study so, Now I would like to know that if I study 2 consecutive 1 year diploma I mean After studying 1 year if I can arrange some more finance for study I can go for another 1 year diploma so will 2 diploma of 8 months each will lead to 3 year PGWP or not please advice and also give me some link of PNP nomination rules and conditions Thanks

List of official sites of various immigration programmes after studies, for international students:

As I said.. in most cases..2 consecutive 1 year recognized post secondary courses of 2 sem/8 months should give one a 3 years PGWP. It also depends on the course load and the visa officer issuing the PGWP. In some cases..if the VO feels..that the course load was light..he/she may issue a PGWP of 2 years only..but chances are very less. So.. mostly you can expect 3 years PGWP.

You need to study the 2 courses preferably consecutively..i.e after completion of first course after receiving final transcripts, you will have around 90days grace period to either apply for PGWP or apply for visa extension to study another course. You will need to apply for an appropriate course and apply for visa extension within that 90days..so as to continue to your 2nd course without any glitch.

Hope it helps.

Best of Luck