A few questions regarding the minimum points requirement for QSC:
1) Is the minimum points requirement 49 or 55?
2) If it is 55, why have they broken the requirements into 2 groups? Couldn't they just have put ADAPTABILITY with the other nine factors because it follows the same principle as all the other factors, the only difference being the points are given by the Embassy later? Breaking it up into two groups is extremely confusing because an applicant who scores 49 points in the nine factors may think that he is eligible to apply, but if he gets anything less than the full 6 points for Adaptability, he won't be accepted.
3) How is adaptability calculated and what are people's average scores for adaptability?
4) I just did an Eligibility test on the Quebec Immigration site and it tells me that I'm eligible to apply for QSC. But I have just scored 49 points. This means that if I don't get full 6 points for Adaptability (which I am sure is close to impossible), my application will get rejected. So why does the site tell me to apply without warning me that I will have to get full 6 points for Adaptability, which has no surety?
A few questions regarding the minimum points requirement for QSC:
1) Is the minimum points requirement 49 or 55?
2) If it is 55, why have they broken the requirements into 2 groups? Couldn't they just have put ADAPTABILITY with the other nine factors because it follows the same principle as all the other factors, the only difference being the points are given by the Embassy later? Breaking it up into two groups is extremely confusing because an applicant who scores 49 points in the nine factors may think that he is eligible to apply, but if he gets anything less than the full 6 points for Adaptability, he won't be accepted.
3) How is adaptability calculated and what are people's average scores for adaptability?
4) I just did an Eligibility test on the Quebec Immigration site and it tells me that I'm eligible to apply for QSC. But I have just scored 49 points. This means that if I don't get full 6 points for Adaptability (which I am sure is close to impossible), my application will get rejected. So why does the site tell me to apply without warning me that I will have to get full 6 points for Adaptability, which has no surety?