It depends on how you define consolidated. Does your marksheet straightaway give total marks of the entire year(2 sems) without any breakup of theory+practicals+etc...Or it is giving every breakup with backlogs history n division of marks of all the sems in a single sheet(may also be called consolidated). Each sem marksheet may be just a little more detailed. But, if your consolidated marksheets(i think its transcripts) give the relevant details like degree conferred n marks with credits, then it should work.
I submitted transcripts of all my degrees and haven't heard of any requests from them for any marksheet. I got a call for medical test too so hoping these consolidated transcripts worked in my case(Univ category).
But again, it is very much dependent on the category you are applying under. If it's a 'must' OR 'strongly recommended'! SPP has strict requirements with docs i think. So if its SPP, then you stick to your sem marksheets.