Hi! and So sorry to hear that!
Well, I'm not a senior and honestly im trying to carve into my memories to try and help you.
Somewhere in this forum I read about a couple (or more) similar situations.
To my understand, your best option is call CIC to see the procedure.
The best thing is not to hide. If in the letter they ask your hubby to go somewhere, then GO.
Go with him, bring all evidence of your application. You said you've got aip so even with the order, they are not supposed to kick him out until DM (negative DM) simply cuz he is now on implied status.
The office of CIC that sends removal orders, is different from vegreville proccesing, so you really need to prove you have a case here.
Dont hide, relax, stay by your hubby if he has to go to some office, bring all letters from cic and payments you made (and any other proof, i'll say) and calm down sweety dont panic.
Is all of us biggest fear to be in your situation, but if you have a serious strong case them fight for it always showing cic you dont need to hide.
If you feel extremely insecure, then call them first.
Keep us posted