Hi, so it's not only until late December that my parents have 'acknowledged' or approved of me studying in Canada. I will be staying in Calgary. The Unis I plan on applying are Mount Royal and University of Calgary, with Psychology as my course. So now I'm really confused with their requirements. I also plan on taking IELTS. Of course, I have to apply for a study permit. So I'm confused as to where to start. Do I take IELTS first? But when I take IELTS, it says that in order for me to receive another copy of my result, I need to show proof of application from CIC, etc. (link - ieltsessentials(.)com/results.aspx). But for me to apply for a study permit, I must be accepted into a Uni (link - canadavisa(.)com/study-in-canada-faq.html). And looking at the program requirements for UoC is very confusing as well! (link - ucalgary(.)ca/admissions/requirements) Everything is really confusing to me and I really need help fast since the deadline for UoC's admission is on the 1st of March. Mount Royal's deadline is on Feb 1
(This is for the early admission, the standard's until August but it depends I think on the availability of slots). I've already set up an ApplyAlberta account, although I haven't sent my application form yet since I need to retrieve my previous grades. I know I may have prepared way too late :'( but I will be grateful for any help you give me
Thank you! If you need some more specific details, I'll be happy to share!