I know, but I've seen quite a few posts of people getting reject after providing only the signed statement and 12 months worth of bills so I went all in:
- Signed common law union in public notary in 2011 + translation
- 12 months of bills (electrical under my name and cable under my wife's name) + the FISRT (and only the first) bill of each type translated
- Property deed showing we co-own the property + translation
- Purchasing agreement from 2011 showing we co-bought the property + translation
- Our TAX forms showing each other's tax ID as spouse/partner + translation
- My corporate life insurance showing her as the beneficiary + translation
If they tell me that I've failed to provide evidence after this then I'll write to the Minister!
The thing is before going through the EE process we consulted with two immigration firms and both told us to get married as common law is a nightmare to prove and puts the application at great risk, so I wanted to make a bullet proof case... I just hope it works!