ramzero said:
Sending a attested copies of degree is necessary?
I give precious information to you regrading how to attest ur docs..........
10th Credentials --->verifed from board---> IBCC--->Ministry of Foreign Affairs
12th Credentials ---> verifed from board ---> IBCC --->Ministry of Foreign Affairs
Degree ----> Verified from Uni. ---> HEC ISB --->M. of Foreign Affairs
Normally Board charge 200 Rs. for verification per certificate/DMC/P.certificate
for 10th / 12th class
University charge 500 Rs. for verfication per Degree/certificate/DMC/P.certificate
HEC ISB charge 500 Rs. for verification per certificate/DMC/P.certificate
for Master/ bechlor Degree.....
Onnline registration of HEC ISB, use below link......
U must need printer.....ok of 2 pages.... when u register, "sign in"
Go to CHC ISB along with 2 print pages and origionals documents and 1 photocopy of docs with NICN photocopy and fee...ok