Re: student visa rejected,will apply again,,,good idea?
If you can show that your husband was in india when the loan was taken out this along with the new fact you reveal that it is an unsecured loan will go in your favour. Banks dont give unsecured loans willy nilly. When you first mentioned a loan in your earlier posts i thought it would be a secured loan.
We will be in India when we will take unsecured loan but the co-borrower will be my father, since my husband will also be applying for temporary visitor visa, i don't want to show that i'm dependent on him.
He has got a letter from his employer from his employer which states that he is only going to canada to assist me and will come back to Ireland. The letter also states that he is on Irish accounting visa and will switch to green card in the near future with the company.
Does both these document support that i have ties with my home country and also with my husband who will be working in Ireland. He only needs temporary visitor visa to visit me while i'm studying there.