OK. I couldn't stand your pain any longer. Did a google for bank transit number and came up with this: http://banksincanada.net/info/branch-transit-numbers-for-canadian-banks
Branch Transit Numbers for Canadian Banks
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Find Routing/Transit numbers for Canadian Banks
anadian transit numbers are regulated by the Canadian Payments Association. A number has the following form:
where XXXXX is a Branch Number, and YYY is an Institution Number. The dash between the branch number and the institution number is an integral part of the transit number. This format is only valid for paper-type transactions such as cheques. For Electronic Fund Transactions (EFT) the current format is a leading zero, the institution number, then the branch number all with no dashes. For example if a cheque reads XXXXX-YYY , the corresponding EFT code would be 0YYYXXXXX.
As a general rule, Bank institution numbers start with 0, 2, 3, or 6, Credit Union and Caisse Populaire institution numbers start with 8, and Trust Company institution numbers with 5.
XXXXX-001 Bank of Montreal
XXXXX-002 Bank of Nova Scotia
XXXXX-003 Royal Bank of Canada
XXXXX-004 Toronto-Dominion Bank (which is the legal name for the bank, although it operates as TD Canada Trust)
XXXXX-006 National Bank of Canada
XXXXX-010 Canadian Imperial Bank of Commerce (includes President’s Choice Financial)
XXXXX-016 HSBC Canada
XXXXX-030 Canadian Western Bank
XXXXX-039 Laurentian Bank of Canada
XXXXX-117 Government of Canada (Not listed as a member of the Canadian Payments Association)
XXXXX-127 Canada Post (money orders)
XXXXX-177 Bank of Canada (Canadian central bank)
XXXXX-219 ATB Financial
XXXXX-260 Citibank Canada
XXXXX-270 JPMorgan Chase Bank, N.A. (Toronto Branch)
XXXXX-290 UBS Bank (Canada)
XXXXX-308 Bank of China (Canada)
XXXXX-309 Citizens Bank of Canada (Canada)
XXXXX-326 President’s Choice Financial (no longer assigned, now shares XXXXX-010 code with CIBC)
XXXXX-338 Canadian Tire Bank
XXXXX-340 ICICI Bank Canada
XXXXX-509 Canada Trust (prior to the merger of TD & Canada Trust)
XXXXX-540 Manulife Bank
XXXXX-614 ING Direct Canada
XXXXX-809 [Central 1 [Credit Union] – BC Region]
XXXXX-815 Caisses Desjardins du Québec
XXXXX-819 Caisses populaires Desjardins du Manitoba
XXXXX-828 [Central 1 [Credit Union] – ON Region]
XXXXX-829 Caisses populaires Desjardins de l’Ontario
XXXXX-837 Meridian Credit Union (formerly Hepco)
XXXXX-839 Credit Union Heritage (Nova Scotia)
XXXXX-865 Caisses populaires Desjardins acadiennes
XXXXX-879 Credit Union Central of Manitoba
XXXXX-889 Credit Union Central of Saskatchewan
XXXXX-899 Credit Union Central Alberta
XXXXX-900 ?
I got so excited until I saw there was no bank with 884 in the list.