Hello Torroloco,
No updates on E-cas yet, nothing...
Our file was sent to Bucharest in 8 November but it didn't happened this way, we found out later on from my husbund MP (calling call center in Mississagua we didn't realy have a full answer so,my husbund asked for help at his MP) that our file was sent in Ottawa first just to be created a new file (it dosen't make sense to me, but who really knows how CIC works after all) and our file got in the sistem in Bucharest only in January, around midlle of January...
Now, I am still waiting a news from Bucharest Embassy but I really don't know when I am going to have it.
Hoping soon!
I hope will be soon for you as well, you know it could happen...I saw someone here who applyed in Bucharest office and she got her passport request on 25 January by email, she applyed on 14 July, got the approval in late September, process started in Bucharest on 7 January and got passport request on 25 January.
I've also heard in here that the last uptate on E-cas is posted at the end of the process and just right after you get the passport request.
We just have to be very patient, I know it's easyer to say that done...but we really don't have a choice.
Best of luck!