Hey Missmini,
(Chiar avam o primavara frumoasa aici...a fost o zi super azi!)
No offense guys we talk about a holdiday wich is special here in Romania on 1 March, the first day of Spring here... ;D
No,my husbund dosen't know of this holiday here, 1 March, Martzisor Day, I send him a few photos and told him about it. Your husbund will have time to learn about all our custums, he has too
My husbund was here from winter holidays and he was impressed by it, so much joy and especially from New Years Eve, I took him at a special restaurant here, Maramuresan one, I am from north, so iamgine....

He wants to comeback every Christmas from now one.. ;D
Yes the Embassy was very fast, now nothing missing with our file and they processing the file at this moment....

, a decision it's not to far, Thank you God!
Have a nice Martzisor Day...
Pe curand!