canadaforsure said:
please i would like to know how well university of western ontario is ranked in canada. how easy is it for their graduates to get job in canada?
i have applied for masters in computer science and am awaiting their response.
thanks in anticipation
Acco. to this website of world wide Universities and college rankings, , University of Western Ontario is indeed a good Univ., is ranked 18th in Canada and 258th in entire world!

Of-course, theses rankings are not perfect, but at-least you get the idea, that it's indeed a good Univ.
And as far as if their graduates get jobs or not.. I'm sure the good ones definitely get a job!

But, seriously we don't know and nobody can tell. Nobody is sure, in this current state of economy and what the future will hold!
However, What I can tell you is it all depends on YOU! If you are good enough, have the required skill sets the employers are looking for and can beat the rest of the competition.. be it CS or any other field.. YOU can get that job, and if you are not cut for the grill... then you ain't making it anywhere. You have to work hard, make your resume better and stand out in the crowd to get THAT job you desire! As simple as that.
Hope it clears your queries.
Best of luck