aalamsinghc said:
LOL seriously I applied for Coop program aswell. did your friend had a UK degree aswell. I am actually a bit worried now.
Its gonna be alryte mate ...
yea usually Co-op program is a bit hard to get in ... there are limited seats ...
now considering that the acceptance was only 23 last year scares the s*** out of me too ...
I am hoping my industrial experience is counted cuz I have a BEng in Mechanical and Canadian Universities account on the BEng course correlating with the MSc degree applied for.
Honestly, Mechanical is heavily related to the field we have applied for but I guess they do not 100% agree on that ...
However, I have got acceptance from UK universities for the Petroleum & Subsea programs but I am still counting on this PSE one ...
I just randomly asked a tutor from Heriot Watt University, UK (NO.1 IN PETROLEUM ENGINEERING WORLDWIDE) about aplying for a MSc in Petroleum Engineering if you have a BEng in Mechanical ... and he is like its very much related and you shall have no problems ... whereas my application to University of Alberta got rejected on the grounds of degree modules not matching ... :'(
it could have been the case of GRE too as I didn't take the test ... even thought its not a requirement but heard that people taking GRE have extra advantage over the people not appearing for it ...
UK is bloddy expensive man so i guess Canada is still my first option ... jus hope that this wait has a fruitful result ...