Regina said:
I applied to UofA on 30th April for MINT (Internetworking) for fall 2014, got a mail from them on May2nd that my application is under review.
I got a reply on 7th may from them stating that :
> You are receiving this email because you have completed a prescreening
> application for the MINT program for Fall 2014 and your current status
> is "for review".
> We have reached the maximum number of admissions and we unable to
> consider any more applicants.
> We thank you for your interest in the MINT program and we would like
> to offer to move your application to first consideration for Fall 2015.
> In order to do this, you will have to email me starting October 1,
> 2014 and ask to have your file moved and I will happily process your request.
> Please have the following subject line in your email "Request to Move
> my File to Fall 2015".
> We apologize for any inconvenience and we hope you will consider the
> MINT program for Fall 2015.
1) Does this mean i have cleared the pre0screeening stage succesfully, and if I apply for fall 2015, I will surely get admission??
2) Any way that i ask them to consider my application for 2014 intake. I dont want to wait for an year