Yesterday they told me that they don't release such letters, only I have to fax it to Minneapolis, etc. Today I went again to the bank, and went straight to the customer service manager. I re-explained her what happened yesterday...this person wasn't yesterday when I went in the afternoon. I told her that besides the monthly bank statements(which I have them home), I need for Canada Immigration a letter from them where is shown the current balance for that day. She was very nice, she understood my frustration, and she released me a letterheaded US Bank where it states: to mr. and mrs xxxxx, states the avarage balance from the last 6 months and the current balance from our account, and at the bottom of the page she typed her name, her position in the branch, and the phone number....she was very helpful and understanding. After that I asked her what might represent that fax which I sent it yesterday to Minneapolis, as a request for my balance verification...I told her that her colegue from yesterday affirmed that it takes 3 weeks and costs 60 dollars. She checked and really exists that service for companies and customers but it costs 25 dollars, takes three days for the guys from Minneapolis to fax it back, and if it the request from the customer regards goverment issues(where Canda Immigration may apply) is free at no charge.

wow; I think that the person from yesterday really "knows" her job

Thank God everything is fine now.
About that thing that the Immigration may check your account or your balance, there is no such thing...nobody from the bank has the right to realease our account information to a person who might call, even if we talk about Canada or US citizenship immigration services. That is for all the people who are scared about that issue. The information from above is from the manager of the branch. Maybe some people might want to know this thing.