Is it good or bad if the international student does not have to pay the fees in advance, but only when studies are starting? does it make a difference to the VO or is it not of importance for the decision?
All payments made before applying for your student permit are done at your own risk, it does not guaratee your visa will be granted, rather it shows your desperacy for the Visa, if the school didnt state that you should pay in your LOA, then you dont have to pay before you apply, the VO might request that you pay before they issue your visa, if they doubt you have the resources to fund your Education.
Yes if the school gives you a condition that you should pay, then you pay to meet that condition, but if not, show the VO the evidence that you have the money to pay.
there is always a section in acceptance letter from college the condition of acceptance.. if they write to pay confirmation fees normally colleges ask for a confirmation fees which is partially refundable... if its written on your acceptance letter then u have to otherwise at the time of registration... not before applying for visa