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TRV for me and my son, please help!


Jan 14, 2014
Is it necessary to get TRV for me and my son, which is two years, that I must be employed and have property in my own name? Or is it enough just to show a higher amount of money in the account in order to get it? Please help! I was refused last year. I wish now try again. What is the best to submit in application, so we can get it! Thank you!


Star Member
Nov 8, 2013

According to what you have described in your previous post http://www.canadavisa.com/canada-immigration-discussion-board/trv-for-me-and-my-son-please-help-t181328.0.html you have quite an extraordinary situation. Due to the fact, that in the past you were applying for immigration and have been refused, it will clearly be difficult for you to get TRV (you are "high-potential immigrant" for CIC). But that does not mean, that there is no chances at all. I think, it would be better, if you or your mother could consult a good immigration lawyer.
But in general, in your situation you have to make a special effort in showing the ties with your home country. Simply having a husband is not enough. There should be a compilation of the factors: good job, stable income (showing a big amount of money on your account without job would not work), property ownership, also good travel history (but it will take at least a few years to create one). Think what else can be presented as a proof that you will come back, maybe there is something else in your life?
When you will be applying again, write and attach a cover letter, explain your situation, declare that you understand the immigration rules and decision which has been made upon your case, that you do not have an immigration intension and you just want to see your mother and let her see her grandson. Give the details for the reasons which are keeping you in your home country and will make you to come back.

That s the only thing I can suggest. Good luck!


Jan 14, 2014
Thank you very much for your answer!
Do you think it is better for me to apply on-line or via the new VAC in Belgrade?


Star Member
Nov 8, 2013
decembar86 said:
Thank you very much for your answer!
Do you think it is better for me to apply on-line or via the new VAC in Belgrade?
It s up to you. Either way will work fine, I suppose. I was applying online, because I knew what I have to do pretty good, and I did not want to pay additional fees to VAC just for their service to collect and transfer documents. If you think, that you will need someone to check your application package's completeness, then apply through VAC. If you sure that you will manage to prepare everything by yourself, apply online.


Jan 14, 2014
I must ask you something else what do you think if there is any chance at all that my husband make an application in the same time as we,but he will ask only for 15 days because of work. Is there any chanse for such application? He will be booking his flight same us me and son to Canada,but for back it will be earlier his.


Star Member
Nov 8, 2013
decembar86 said:
I must ask you something else what do you think if there is any chance at all that my husband make an application in the same time as we,but he will ask only for 15 days because of work. Is there any chanse for such application? He will be booking his flight same us me and son to Canada,but for back it will be earlier his.
Unfortunately, I won't be able to answer this question, nobody will, i guess.. As I have said before, you situation is quite complicated and the decision will be totally up to the VO. You can just increase the chances by preparing your package very carefully and attaching as many proofs and explanations as possible. Try to imagine which kind of questions might arise in the officer's head and explain them in advance in your cover letter.
As for your husband, just to make sure that I understood you correctly, you have to apply together with your husband if he wants to go to. Don't do separate applications. And also, I would suggest you to start with a small duration of the trip. On my opinion, it would be quite suspicious if your husband will go for 15 days, and you and your son for more. I would not do that, especially in your situation.
Believe me, if you will get approved once and you will not overstay in Canada, next time it will be easier already.


Jan 14, 2014
I heard that I will never be able to get a TRV if I asked before immigration, matter how far everything has changed ... Is it possible??