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TRV - Denied 3 times . Please help, advice needed.


Aug 11, 2015

Here's the timeline of rejections:

- Student Visa rejected in 2013- insufficient funds
- Student Visa rejected in 2014 - proposed program of study not satisfactory.
- TRV Vistor Visa rejected in July 2016 -

Letter of rejection ( 2016) details :

In making a decision on an application, a number of factors are considered. These may include but are not
limited to:
• the information in the travel and identity documents;
• the reason for the travel to Canada;
• the person’s contacts in Canada;
• the person’s ties to his or her country of residence (including immigration status, employment and family
• the person’s ability to pay for the trip and to support himself or herself while in Canada;
• whether the person is likely to respect the conditions of his or her admission to Canada;
• whether the person is inadmissible to Canada; and
• whether the person would be likely to leave Canada at the end of his/her authorized stay

Application does not meet requirements of the Immigration & Refugee Protection Act,

- travel history, family ties in canada and country of residence, purpose of visit, personal assets and financial status, not satisfied you have sufficient funds or income to carry our your stated purpose in going to Canada and to effect your departure. Not provided enough documentation to support your/your host's income and assets.

Applicant Details :
- Applied on June 18 2016 - rejected July 13 2016
- Duration of proposed visit : 2 weeks
- My brother lives in India, currently doing his first year, full time student in Bachelors in Law from a good university.
- Documents to prove his student status/ties to home were :
- his first and second semester exam schedule, his roll number for exams, receipts of registration from first and second semester, library card, voters ID card,
- No objection letter from university indicating he is a full time student
- copy of his registration at the univ as a full time student.
- Financial support
- since he is a student, has no income, we showed my father;s bank balance. he is a retired govt employee with pension.
- Fixed Deposits at our Bank in my brothers name worth $7500 CAD
- letter from my father and mother specifiying they will sponsor his short trip
- Account of my mother & father with bank balance of $8000 CAD

- Host's info :
- i am a canadian citizen
- wrote a letter of invitiation citing how we havent met in 4 years and so on - indicating purpose is to visit sister
- relationship proof - birth certificates ( of us both), ration card from India indicating family members details
- Attached my T4 for 2015 , employer letter indicating i have been employed with them since 2012, bank balance of 23k CAD, saving and chequein account, attached bank statements of last 6 months.

We also included personally written letters :
- letter of invitiation indicating he will be staying with me for his short visit and i will take him around to tourist attractions as well.
- purpose of visit - visit sister, we also provided itinerary of his two weeks - proposed days of travel to sites within Ontario.
- letter of explanation ( citing previous two rejections of student visa and how he is no longer interested in studying in canada, and has since found his career of choice in law in india)

What are my options here, how do i proceed ? Is there any hope going forward ? Where did we go wrong, what else can i do to strengthen the application. Should i contact an immigration consultant?

Thank you in advance for any input/suggestions.


VIP Member
Apr 12, 2013
Visa Office......
NOC Code......
Job Offer........
App. Filed.......
Doc's Request.
AOR Received.
Med's Request
Med's Done....
Passport Req..
rivendell said:
- Student Visa rejected in 2013- insufficient funds
- Student Visa rejected in 2014 - proposed program of study not satisfactory.
- TRV Vistor Visa rejected in July 2016 -
First of all there is no such thing as "student visa"... either it is a TRV S-1 or it is a Study Permit... I will assume you are referring to a Study Permit. Study Permit and TRV are different queues so I wouldn't count it as a third TRV rejection but as the first one.

Now, the reasons stated in the rejection letter are serious, it seems you do not qualify for a TRV at all... either you really do not have anything to show or you submitted no evidence that backed up anything you claimed.

Please post a comprehensive list of the documents sent fot this rejection.


VIP Member
Sep 8, 2014

Unfortunately, after two unsuccessful previous attempts in getting a study permit.... the visa officer is not convinced that your brother is a genuine visitor.

He is a first year Law student in India. If he was in his final year at Law school then the evidence you had provided for his study ties would have helped.

He is a student without previous travel history, no finances of his own, young, unemployed, no assets.... basically, he has no strong ties to convince the visa officer that he will return at the end of the visit + two previous visa refusals.

IMO your brother must wait for a couple of years until he is completes his LL.B.... or is employed/is able to show finances of his own before he applies



Aug 11, 2015

Not going to semantics -yes it was study permit application rejected initially. First instance of Visitor Visa being rejected.

What exactly is the qualification for a Visitor Visa ? Pardon my usage of words - not too well versed in immigration vocab. Somehow i presumed visitor visa is still a temporary resident visa.

The list i provided is a comprehensive list of the documents we attached :

Documents to prove his student status/ties to home were :
- his first and second semester exam schedule, his roll number for exams, receipts of registration from first and second semester, library card, voters ID card,
- No objection letter from university indicating he is a full time student
- copy of his registration at the univ as a full time student.
- Financial support
- since he is a student, has no income, we showed my father;s bank balance. he is a retired govt employee with pension.
- Fixed Deposits at our Bank in my brothers name worth $7500 CAD
- letter from my father and mother specifiying they will sponsor his short trip
- Account of my mother & father with bank balance of $8000 CAD

- Host's info :
- i am a canadian citizen
- wrote a letter of invitiation citing how we havent met in 4 years and so on - indicating purpose is to visit sister
- relationship proof - birth certificates ( of us both), ration card from India indicating family members details
- Attached my T4 for 2015 , employer letter indicating i have been employed with them since 2012,
- bank balance of 23k CAD, saving and chequein account,
- attached bank statements of last 6 months.

- letter of invitiation indicating he will be staying with me for his short visit and i will take him around to tourist attractions as well.
- purpose of visit - visit sister, we also provided itinerary of his two weeks - proposed days of travel to sites within Ontario.
- letter of explanation ( citing previous two rejections of student visa and how he is no longer interested in studying in canada, and has since found his career of choice in law in india)


Aug 11, 2015
Bryanna said:

Unfortunately, after two unsuccessful previous attempts in getting a study permit.... the visa officer is not convinced that your brother is a genuine visitor.

He is a first year Law student in India. If he was in his final year at Law school then the evidence you had provided for his study ties would have helped.

He is a student without previous travel history, no finances of his own, young, unemployed, no assets.... basically, he has no strong ties to convince the visa officer that he will return at the end of the visit + two previous visa refusals.

IMO your brother must wait for a couple of years until he is completes his LL.B.... or is employed/is able to show finances of his own before he applies

Thanks @bryanna for the clear input. I was afraid that will be the case. Its quite unfortunate, just wanted to see my brother, would be a change for him too - a mini vacation, haven't seen him in 4 years.

But I also wonder what does the visa officer mean by - not enough evidence of host's income or assets (i.e. me) I included everything, T4, bank statements, paystubs, employer letter.


VIP Member
Sep 8, 2014
But I also wonder what does the visa officer mean by - not enough evidence of host's income or assets (i.e. me) I included everything, T4, bank statements, paystubs, employer letter.
This refers to either the applicant's or the host's income/assets. I think in this case, it refers to the evidence for your brother's finances.... not yours