enna00 said:
I am sending a question in reagrds to my friend she has done a sponsorship but her husband has a criminal record so they did a sponsorship combined with a trp application now a trp is being under review this is an outland shes wants to go and visit him for a 2-3 months as vacation but will have to quit her job and when she gets back to canada she will again look for a job again. Now will this effect the trp/ sponsorship please let me know thank you.
Hey Enna00,
i think that to be able to answer your question a few more elements are needed.
If your friend is a PR, she can not be away from Canada during the time of the sponsorship. She can go for a short visit, but I don't think that 2 to 3 months qualify as "short", so if that's the case, I would not advise that...
About quitting her job - if she is only sponsoring her husband ( and no children) there is no requirement for income, so she should be fine. However as a sponsor she needs to convince CIC that she will have the means to support her family, so she should have a plan. It might be less of a problem if the first stage of the process has been done ( she is approved as a sponsor).
It depends a bit on her case.
Maybe some other more knowledgeable members will add some elements.