Can I travel to India after entering in the express entry pool? I have TRV and PGWP but will I have any problems entering back to Canada? Firstly, due to problems with India and secondly, I am applying for PR and waiting for invitation.
Can I travel to India after entering in the express entry pool? I have TRV and PGWP but will I have any problems entering back to Canada? Firstly, due to problems with India and secondly, I am applying for PR and waiting for invitation.
Can I travel to India after entering in the express entry pool? I have TRV and PGWP but will I have any problems entering back to Canada? Firstly, due to problems with India and secondly, I am applying for PR and waiting for invitation.
We have full faith that IRCC and CBSA to not enforce discriminatory practices. Their systems from top-down are designed to provide visibility and gives you the ability to challenge them. If Canada ever pulled something as stupid as that, most of us who are extremely skilled would move away in a year.
For context, none of this has happened with Iranian, Russian, Chinese, etc citizens - unlikely that it will happen with any nationality.