My dad applied for eTA couple days ago. Within couple hours we received an email saying he misrepresented on his eTA application. He misunderstood this question "have you ever been refused a visa to canada or any other county?" He picked No instead of 'yes'. He assumed that question is asking "if he got any visa refusal since he got his new citizenship (Italy)?" . Yes, he got visa refusal for canada's tourist visa when he was Indian citizen. In his life time he never had any visa refusal or entry denial or deportation orders from canada or any other country.
In the letter/reply, CIC said that you have misrepresented yourself because you applied for visitor visa back in 2013. They gave 10 days to present his case for his misrepresentation.
What he should do now? Of course, he has to write a letter of explanation. What exactly we should be writing? Are there any chances of success or he will be banned in next reply/letter from CIC?
The reason all this happened because he applied for US visa first just couple mintues before filling out the canadian eTA application. In that application form they had clearly mentioned 'any visa refusal on this passport or previous passport'. He assumed Canada's form doesnt say anything like that so he assumed he has to answer just for new passport.
Someone please help. I look at so many forums and postings as well as on CIC website but I have not found anything helpful. Only statements I am coming across are 5 years ban, which is scaring the shit out of me.