Hi all:
i got married 3 weeks ago
in Brazil, my wife is Brazilian and now I'm preparing the application to sponsor her, she already applied for new passport with the new name (name after marriage) and after she get it she will apply for the 3 police certificates, at this stage i just have a question regarding the translation of Brazilian documents that CIC required (such as marriage and police certificates), i would like to know what is the procedure for the translation, should those documents be translated in Brazil or should she send it me and i translate it in Canada? and after the translations does those documents need any other stamps from any other authority in Brazil or Canada to be valid? i remember that before we get married there, the Brazilian government had a condition that the document should only be translated in Brazil, and after that we had to take the translated documents to another office to stamp it before the marriage office accept it , and trust me those stamps were extremely expensive .. just how we should do that ...please advise if you had experience with this
Thanks in advance
i got married 3 weeks ago
Thanks in advance