As what I understand -- fluctuating hours are acceptable.Hi thanks for the reply.
This is my question:
In a 52 week year I worked 26 weeks at 20h/w and the other 26 weeks I worked 40h/w for a total of 1560 hours in a one year period.
Is this valid because I have accumulated 1560 hours in a one year period, I did not gain the 1560 in less than a year.
This text is where my confusion lies "The 1 year of work experience can be acquired through multiple periods of employment but must equal at least 1,560 hours in the 3 years before the application for permanent residence is received. Work experience must be acquired over a period of at least 1 year; work in excess of 30 hours per week over a shorter period cannot compensate for any shorter overall period of experience."
I am not sure how they define a work week, if they do in fact regard 30h p/w as a work week then my hours won't be enough.
If they only want to see that you have worked that specific week regardless of the hours then my hours will be enough.
Thanks for your help.
For example: 25 +35=60 acceptable in two weeks, But 60 in just one week isn't acceptable.
Overall -- 1560 hours in shorter period than 1 year/12 months/52 weeks is NOT acceptable for TR to PR.