Correction the best time to move would be 2008 because that was the bottom of the slump, Canada and USA alike. 2010 a better year for Canada than USA
By self-sustaining I mean, no dependence on another nation. for example: Canada does not produce a single car therefore it has to depend on other nations. The reason its important is because if I were to buy a car (Nissan Maxima for example) I would rather pay $30,000 than $50,000. And this is the reason why its soooooo important. Cost of living is absolutely ridiculous. I dont know about you but I like to pay $20 for a pair of levis jeans rather than $60, dont you agree???
Canada fits the model of a nation that is on the brink of economic disaster. You dont see how it makes it a mafia nation? well to start with the mayor of one of the largest cities in Canada is a crackhead, he is involved with drug dealers and criminals. Secondly you've heard of the Charbonneau Commission? the corruption that goes on
With all this corruption, mafia, money laundering and authority turning a blind eye I can see how the middle income people are disappearing and the prices of construction/real estate is sky rocketing
Not sure if you own property but I would hate to pay half a million of dollars to get a pigeon hole apartment with outrageous condo fees and if you want to know where condo fees are going read the article in the bottom, this is an example of one that got caught, who knows how many more that are not reported, the laws in Canada are so draconian that it literally encourages criminals to take their professions to a new level:
Okay lets leave alll this aside..................
I work 9 to 5 and I like to have extra money and time to take vacations and spend with my family, why does it have to be so hard in Canada? Over that they pay you less for the same job you are doing in USA.
By self-sustaining I mean, no dependence on another nation. for example: Canada does not produce a single car therefore it has to depend on other nations. The reason its important is because if I were to buy a car (Nissan Maxima for example) I would rather pay $30,000 than $50,000. And this is the reason why its soooooo important. Cost of living is absolutely ridiculous. I dont know about you but I like to pay $20 for a pair of levis jeans rather than $60, dont you agree???
Canada fits the model of a nation that is on the brink of economic disaster. You dont see how it makes it a mafia nation? well to start with the mayor of one of the largest cities in Canada is a crackhead, he is involved with drug dealers and criminals. Secondly you've heard of the Charbonneau Commission? the corruption that goes on
With all this corruption, mafia, money laundering and authority turning a blind eye I can see how the middle income people are disappearing and the prices of construction/real estate is sky rocketing
Not sure if you own property but I would hate to pay half a million of dollars to get a pigeon hole apartment with outrageous condo fees and if you want to know where condo fees are going read the article in the bottom, this is an example of one that got caught, who knows how many more that are not reported, the laws in Canada are so draconian that it literally encourages criminals to take their professions to a new level:
Okay lets leave alll this aside..................
I work 9 to 5 and I like to have extra money and time to take vacations and spend with my family, why does it have to be so hard in Canada? Over that they pay you less for the same job you are doing in USA.