05/9/11 Meet Update
Thanks Everyone
Dear friends,
I take this opportunity to convey my personal gratitude to everyone, especially the lady wives, for taking your time off & attending the meet on 5th. It was a wonderful gesture on part of many members to have taken the trouble of making it to the venue from far-up, some from Guelph & Kitchener ! Thanks for the solidarity !
We had a strength of 38 attending that day... soon I'd update the 'new joiners' on my google-group... and u all'd have our email IDs & contact info centrally.
We had a superb time together, and the exchange of ideas were awesome. I'm sure all of u had some nice moments during the day... I for one, sure enjoyed every moment of it !
- Thanks to the presenters [bsrk68, Nobin, hmisabpk] -- for some very good & qualitative presentations !
- Thanks to the kids -- for being so patient... thank u hmisabpk for the balloons & candies !
- Regrets to Kanamen -- for our inability to have your Sask-presentation, due to time constraints !
- Thanks to the members, who raised queries -- for some suave 'question/answer' time !
- Thanks to everyone of u, who attended -- for making the event such a nice, lively & successful one !
As I commenced the meet with a presentation on "The Power of Networking", pls rest assured that I believe in every word of it... we need to come out of our comfort zones & make every effort to join 'like-minded' gatherings... there's a lot to gain... there's always some infoshare which we cannot obtain thru internet or telecalls. We need to 'meet-up' often... to 'know more'. There's tremendous Power in Networking !
Thanks everyone once again...
We'd have many more... we should !