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Tme Nova Scotia takes for processing ?


May 15, 2009
Dear Forum Members

I applied from New Delhi by sending my PR application for assessment in the federal skilled worker Category 1 to Nova Scotia.
My occupation was in the 37 NOC codes eligible for category 1 immigration.

My question is how much time it takes Nova Scotia to get back to me ? I see through tracking that the application was received by them on May 3, 2009. I am expecting the application back including postal delays sometime in June. Would that be fair ?

I was wondering if someone knows of a way to follow up with them or just get the case status somehow. One way is that I could find out if my bank draft has been used up or no ?

Also, can anyone comment on the time frame it takes to get a PR in the skilled worker category 1. Some consultants have told me it takes about 12 months for the PR to come but I just wanted to confirm from some more people.

In the meantime, I also have an admit from the University of Toronto. If I accept that offer, will my application be affected since I told the Canadian Immigration initially that I am coming to Canada as a skilled worker and now I will be entering as a student.

Also, will my PR application be expedited in anyway if I am already as student in Canada.

I will greatly appreciate any help and btw if anyone has any doubts on how to apply with the intial papers I will be glad to help

Sep 13, 2014
Tme Nova Scotia takes for processing

Dear colleagues,

My family and I have applied for the Nova Scotia Provincial Nominee Program. My application was sent via FedEx last April 10,2014 and they received it on the 15th of the same month. My concern is that how come that until now I have not received yet any reply/letter coming from them informing us whether our application has been approved or not. I just want to seek for an advice on how to follow up my application to them for me to know what will be the next thing to do. I believe that their processing only takes 2 to 3 weeks time that is why I am seeking for a help regarding this matter.
Thank you and I am looking forward for any reply to this.


Champion Member
Jan 5, 2013
Visa Office......
NOC Code......
Job Offer........
App. Filed.......
15-10-2014 (PER)
Med's Request
Med's Done....
Passport Req..
Re: Tme Nova Scotia takes for processing

joseph_orfiano said:
Dear colleagues,

My family and I have applied for the Nova Scotia Provincial Nominee Program. My application was sent via FedEx last April 10,2014 and they received it on the 15th of the same month. My concern is that how come that until now I have not received yet any reply/letter coming from them informing us whether our application has been approved or not. I just want to seek for an advice on how to follow up my application to them for me to know what will be the next thing to do. I believe that their processing only takes 2 to 3 weeks time that is why I am seeking for a help regarding this matter.
Thank you and I am looking forward for any reply to this.
You are asking this question in an unrelated thread that's been inactive for 5 years. Post it in an active thread specifically for Nova Scotia PNP program to get answers. follow this link:
