Hi Raman - To be honest, I would say that CIC should stop giving OWP. This is a total waste of money and time. Many companies here still don't know what an OWP is. Can you believe that the day I landed in Toronto airport, the immigration officer (she was a very nice lady no doubt) didn't know how to handle OWP arrivals? She didn't know what stamping she should put in my passport. She then talked to her colleagues, checked CIC website (I assume they have access to special info - not the general CIC website) and then finally gave me a 2 yr permit!!!
.. and you know what.. my OWP stamping from NDVO was in April 2013, so I should be getting permit till only April 2015 (2 yrs). But, in the airport, the lady herself asked me -"so I should give you from April or the day you landed? (I landed in Oct 2013). I said (jokingly to her!!), give me from Oct (the day I landed). So, she gave till Oct 2013 to OCt 2015..!!!!

(by that 15 mins, she was nicely talking to me).
Have you heard anywhere immigration officer asking the immigrant - "Bhaiya - bata tere ko kinta saal ka permit chaiye??"
My experience with OWP has not been good so far. Job wise, I see no dearth of jobs. Its not very bright, but not very bad either. One can get jobs anywhere from 2 weeks to 4-5 months, depending on skills. For my skill set, if I had the PR, I would've got job in a month. I am getting many interview calls, but when I tell I have Open WP, they reply back saying "Oh.. sorry.. our company wants only PR or Citizens"!!!
THe CIC hasn't made any attempt to create awareness among companies that there is another option to take ppl - Open Work Permit. Many of the newcomer services don't have anything for a person having OWP (they have lot of free settlement programs for PR folks).
So, I suggest- you better come on PR, not on OWP. Come only if you have excess cash (like me!!!

) and want to just explore the job market, place, etc. For me, the experience of coming on OWP was not all waste. I learnt many important skills that I lack which are in demand here and I now know what and how to get them in India. So, I am actually planning to return back (that's why waiting for PPR). As soon as I get PPR, I will come back, send the passport to NDVO and do some courses/certifications in India (they are 10% of the cost of the same in Canada). Hopefully, by then if I get PR stamped, I will come again on PR and this time very well prepared for the market and attack exactly at the point where I know I will get good jobs...
It was not all waste for me. See, how much ever you Google or email or talk to friends/relatives in Canada, the real experience of job market/culture that is related exactly to YOUR skill, can be known if your are physically present here. You cannot do that on Google.
May be, that's why they are giving OWP, I think. More than getting jobs, its for your to explore, whether the country/culture suits you REALLY (not on Google). If in the process, you get good job, then very well and good...!!!
My 2 cents above...
Hi Vineet,
Good to see your calculations and discovery within 25 days of Landing in Canada. Yes I agree with you that it’s worth visiting Canada for the first time to understand the Job Market, Networking with recruiter and understanding the culture but leaving well settled Indian IT job for this adventure (OWP travel) is not worth and that's the reason we shared our experience with you well in advance.. OWP is best for those who want to reunite with their spouse(who is already working and staying in Canada) and can support the family together.
Have you checked any Contractual jobs there which you have noticed while you were in INDIA?
One more thing, When you fly back to India, you will definitely start getting mails from recruiter for interview as this is now happening with me. Better to stay there till the time you receive PPR request and plan accordingly for your next move..
Happy diwali to all forum members and good luck ahead!