Hi all, I would like someone to help me out. I am a little bit confused. I received eligibility passed alongside in the letter indicating my child, who is an American citizen, eligibility passed. It says on the letter a refund of $170 has been issued, and on the same letter, it says all dependents listed above will receive a checklist. And says please only submit the requested information and documents . So, I got another email that says listed documents are required and be submitted within 30 days. On the listed documents, nothing was checked, no particular form was said to be resubmitted, or a particular document to be submitted. On the checklist, I have the normal forms and things to do when applying for PR. Everything was submitted with the application for each single applicant. I do not know what to do. Do I need to fill these forms again for each applicant in the application and submit the same documents they have for each applicant or this is just a normal email they send along with eligibility passed. Medical passed in September, and a pre-arrival service letter was received sometime in April 2021.