As soon as I got the AOR, I request the CAIPS, sent on May 16, but they filed and answer on June 13, on GCMS, that is more readable, no to many codes.
My wife pass all the medical, criminality, security, etc., but has 5 notes, some are that they send a letter for more doc. like passport, my original divorce decree, they note that my wife IMM8 as incompleted, because didn't have our son in there, but she mention him on the fam aditional info, etc.
One specific note was about our 28 years gap dif., but they only have extract of my wife questionarie, putting together with our proof, like my age, let me write some for you:
" 28 gap, female, Nicaragua, married, one son (CC--for canadian citizen) SPR is 52 yrs old, CC since sept19--. PA and SPR met in march2008 at PA's workplace, SPR (discribe how we met..), went for dinner and develop a good friendship. Stated dating dec2008 and started dating. SPR proposed married march2009. civil marriage took place in Nicaragua 03oct2009, their son was born 13oct2009.FOSS DONE, sponsorship met, immigration fee and rprf paid in CANADA, pending PPT. med result for PA M 1/9 VU 19JAN2012 and add fam info sheet, completed. Use representative XXXXNAMEX XXXX SPR-SPOUSAL questionarie complete. Police cert. from Nic Ok.....................................pending SPR's divorce decree.---PROOF of relation: photos showing SPR and PA in what was their civil marriage, along with lawyer and witness, singning legal doc, photos of PA and SPR with their born child, photos of PA and SPR at their son baptism, photos of PA ans SPR with family and friend. PROOF OF COMMUNICATION: e-mails/massages, phone, money transfers send by SPR. deposit done by SPR in PA bank's account. Diamond ring invoice, leasing invoces showing PA and SPR as a tenant. Proof that SPR request parental leave when son was born. Itineraries from SPR to Nicaragua. Based on info/doc it seems to be bonafide relationship pending PPT SPR divorce Decree, please request documents.
As you can noice, GCMS is very completed and helpfully to understand your process, if you have any question, I will be glad to answer it at mas best, you guys has been doing a lot for me, thank you to everybody in this forum, I appreciate you help.