Hi SwedenCanada,
I just got my fingerprints done here in Edmonton. They are sent immediately, electronically, to Ottawa. The address given on the letter is for police service centres that do not have the up-to-date machines that enable them to do this and they have to submit manually. But most places, especially if you are in a Canadian city, are able to send directly. Once they are received in Ottawa (immediately, usually same day you get your fingerprints done, depending what time of day you do it) then it will take 1-4 weeks for them to be reviewed and for the results to be mailed to you. They will be sent to your home address by regular mail. Once you receive them then you need to send the results to the address at the bottom of the letter you got by email from the visa office. ie: for London it is Immigration and Medical Services Division, High Commission of Canada, Canada House, Trafalgar Square, London, UK SW1Y 5BJ. Make sure you reference your UCI number and the initials of the person who emailed you (they are in the subject of your email) They also want you to send a copy of the letter they emailed you with the fingerprints results. I guess, overall, it could be more than a month before they receive the fingerprints in London, and who knows if they even open it right away and match it up with your application instantly - I have a feeling it may sit in a pile for at least a little while - but as long as the date you got your fingerprints done is within 30 days of receiving their request then you are good

And hopefully this means good things for us - like that is all they need to finalise the application as it says on the letter. I think that sounds like we are pretty close to getting PR now!
Lets keep each other informed, and good luck

Fingers crossed for sooner rather than later...