So I am having a bit of a dilemma....
I heard from CIC (YAY!!!! ;D ) and they are ready to start finalising my application, however they have offered to extend my medical results. My medicals run out in May, 3 days BEFORE my last day at work and free flight home to Edmonton (typical - of course there would be one last hoop to jump through, hehe). Along with this offer of a medical extension, they also say that it is not guaranteed therefore I might need to take a new medical exam.
Has anyone had it where they have been offered a medical extension? What is the likelihood that I would have to re-do the medical rather than them grant the extension?
I am travelling for work (in the USA) so I am also looking into where I am close to the border so I can do a flagpole (the opposite way to how everyone else is flagpoling!), however the only time I am close enough to do that is in about 3 weeks, but my COPR will be sent to the UK so it would have to get there in time for my parents to fedex to it me in the USA. (timing is funny as they literally just visited me last week...).
Basically I am weighing up the options between seeing if they will extend the medicals and hoping they do, flagpoling and going back to the USA until the end of my work contract, or the possibility of getting new medicals done.
Sorry if this doesn't make sense, my life is like that of a travelling circus monkey

But any advice/insight/experience people can give me I would be grateful.