hmm im wondering if you could tell me where in the application did he add the step sister and brother,thanks at least i can have an idea ,i was wondering if it is in the form imm 008 in the dependent ,anyone any idea please help me.thanksLaurenhannah said:I know it can be confusing, and as mentioned, we don't have children involved so i'm not sure where in the application they have to be entered, but i'm 99.9% sure they will have to be in there somewhere. As i said, my boyfriend had to list his step sister and brother whom he's never even met. I know you do have to include the children because immigration want to know of all possible people who one day you may want to bring over to Canada (even though they have zero contact). Hopefully someone who has a similar experience can help you out more, but i wouldn't send off your application without having them included in there somewhere. Good luck
Hey,londongurl said:hmm im wondering if you could tell me where in the application did he add the step sister and brother,thanks at least i can have an idea ,i was wondering if it is in the form imm 008 in the dependent ,anyone any idea please help me.thanks
Thanks!! Its nice to hear some positive and encouraging words!! ;DR151NG5UN said:Hey Herjeet,
I assume the majority of updates are through E-cas and regular mail when you are finally approved. You must be imminent now, hopefully this week. I believe processing times are from when the VO received your package, not when you initially filed your application with Mississagua, therefore looking at the spreadsheet there are 4 people processed before you but their application was received after yours. Also lets not forget certain applications require more background checks, if you have moved about a lot then checking with certain authorities/ districts will impact your time. If you have remained in one place since you were 18, then background checks will be quicker. More work the VO has to do on your file the longer it will take.
Fingers crossed for you and lets hope you hear something this week. ;D
Congrats Nabeela.....nabeela said:Yeyyyy i have checked my E-cas and it says in process. . . . hope for the best. . .)))
Thank you!Rosie Lee said:Congrats Woffles, I remember that feeling, it's good, enjoy it!
Welcome to Stage 2 ;D
FK22 said:Congrats Nabeela.....
Could you tell us about you times line...when did london VO recieve your app...thanks![]()
FK22 said:Congrats Nabeela.....
Could you tell us about you times line...when did london VO receive your app...thanks![]()
That's so frustrating!confusedcaz said:We did outland application for husband as living in the UK and I'm a former resident of Canada. Mississauga office has lost the application!!! Still chasing information for application sent in April 2012 and should have gone through first stage by end July. Not sure what will happen now as we are already in Canada. May have to start again!!! but have to do inland one now. So frustrating.
Looking at the spreadsheet, London VO has done a lot of COPR's in the last 2 weeks. They really seem to be forging ahead, only 2 or 3 left to be finalised for applications received in June and then they can hopefully forge through July as quickly as they have been working the last 2 weeks. ;DGrizzlybear said:Has London office gone back to sleep again?
Sorry to hear that, that's awful! must be so frustrating!!confusedcaz said:We did outland application for husband as living in the UK and I'm a former resident of Canada. Mississauga office has lost the application!!! Still chasing information for application sent in April 2012 and should have gone through first stage by end July. Not sure what will happen now as we are already in Canada. May have to start again!!! but have to do inland one now. So frustrating.
It happens - for some others as well they took much longer than the 69 days written on the website. Sometimes they are doing extra checks on the sponsor, so hang in there, and don't loose hope. If you meet the criteria, you won't be denied. You might be asked for extra information and it might take a little longer, but it should come...antz21 said:Hi everyone,
So we sent out application in and it was received on 26th June... So it has passed the 69 days processing time for my hubby to be approved as a sponsor. We called them up and they said that they had received it and they just hadn't made a decision yet and gave him a file #. They didn't give him anymore information other than that. Is it weird that it's taken a lot longer than 69 days for them to approve him as a sponsor?