hi Everyone! so here goes......I'm from Scotland my husband is Canadian, we have been together for 6years, lived together the whole time (as i met him whilst on a working holiday visa in banff, AB we stayed in staff accom)i ended up staying in Canada for 2years.(both years i had correct visa and work pemits) We both moved to Scotland for 6months in 2007 before going travelling and spending a year in Australia. This is were the problem begins...I need to get police certificates for every country i have lived in and also need to prove that i dont and didnt have a driver license in Queensland Austalia.(i cant drive but looks like that doesnt count :

I didnt have a postal address whilst living in oz as i backpacked it most of the way..now i see they need and austalian address to prove i lived in the state!Argh im just about ready to pull my teeth out!
I thought our application would be straight forward so i went ahead and done my medical in march, got my police certs from the uk(still waiting on oz's)Filled out most of the paper work and have got loads of evidence together, now im worried my medical and police certs will expire?how long do i have?
My husbands current visa expires in Feb, so we are running out of time...if an act of god means my stuff from oz gets sorted and i apply next month, what do u think the chances of us getting the visa by feb? We have left this so late. but i thought it would be ok as i thought we were straight forward!? Has anyone else had any probs with applying for Canada and lived in Australia? If anyone can help us out with any advice please let me know!!
Im not sure if we are freaking out about something that we shouldnt.
Thanks so so much in advance!!
:-* xxx