xebex said:
Problem is i want to go home for a month next christmas, put the application in, then come back in January and wait it out whilst i'm with my BF in Canada. How do i get round this?
Hi Xebex, I did almost exactly the same as you. I applied outland through London. We posted the application from Canada in December, then I went back to England for Christmas. I came back to Canada in January and stayed for the remainder of the process. Most people going through the London office do not get called for interviews.
It is perfectly acceptable to apply outland while visiting Canada, outland vs inland only means the visa office, not your physical location. That said, to apply inland, you must be in canada. Usually, people from visa exempt countries apply outland as its much faster.
You can apply to extend your stay as a visitor to obtain your 12 months cohabitation for common law.
When the process is complete and you receive your COPR (confirmation of permanent residence) you can make a trip to the border to land.
Any more questions, ask away