Pickle found this on http://www.russcanada.com/faq_skilled_worker.php
What are the five criteria on which the medical officer would base his assessment of admissibility?
The medical officer has five criteria on which to base his assessment of admissibility.
This medical profile consists of a coded series of letters and numbers based on the two principal criteria and the three supporting criteria mentioned above. The five criteria are:
H - Risk to Public Safety or Public Health
D - Expected Demand on Health or Social Services
T - Response to Medical Treatment
S - Surveillance
E - Potential Employability or Productivity
Under each criterion is a list of descriptive categories. Taken as a whole, the ratings assigned under each criterion form the basis for a legally binding medical opinion regarding admissibility. This opinion is expressed by the symbol "M" at the end of the profile and represents the combined significance of the five criteria. It is indicated symbolically as
M - Statement of Medical Status
Ml No health impairment sufficient to prevent admission
M2 Has a condition for which the degree of risk to public health or safety is not sufficient to exclude admission, but which risk should be considered in relation to other personal and social criteria.
M3 Has a condition for which the potential demand on health or social services is not sufficient to exclude admission, but which risk should be considered in relation to other personal and social criteria.
M4 Has a condition which is likely to endanger public health or safety to such an extent that the applicant is at present inadmissible, but for which the expected response to treatment is such that future admission could be considered.
M5 Has a condition which is likely to cause demand on health or social services to such an extent that the applicant is not at present admissible, but for which the expected response to treatment is such that future admission could be considered.
M6 Has a condition which is a danger to public health or safety and which is not likely to respond to treatment in such a way as to allow admission in the foreseeable future.
M7 Has a condition which could cause excessive demand on health or social services, and which is not likely to respond to treatment. Please note that medical assessment is done on a case by case basis, taking all aspects of an applicant's condition into account. The references below should be taken only as general guidelines, not as absolutely applicable in all cases.
The Visa Office will tell you in writing if there is a problem with your medical examination.
So maybe 1 means M1 which is youre fine? Just guess work though!