judester said:
Thank you Kettle!! I'm still trying to grasp all the names of things too haha but is the SA generally the 1st time you'll see anything updated on your CIC account or do they generally show they are processing it, before the SA approval (or not

Welcome to the forum judester,
The processing time for sponsor approval (SA) is currently at 64 days. In reality this means than you will likely receive an acknowledgement of receipt (AOR) which is CIC's way of telling you they have your application. You will receive an AOR roughly 64 days from the day they received your application. Your AOR will either be an e-mail or a letter (if it is a letter then it will take longer than 64 days to get to you).
Once you have received your AOR you should receive SA within 2 weeks. Some people wait a couple of days, some wait 2 weeks. While you wait for SA you may be able to check your application status online using the file number in the AOR document. If you cannot then do not panic, some people can only access ECAS after they have received SA.
Finally, would you like to be added the London spreadsheet (linked in my signature)? We use this to track timelines.
If so please provide the following info:
-Date application received in Mississauga
-Whether you applied as Married or Common-Law
-Date of sponsor approval
-Which office is processing Phase 2 of your application (will say on your sponsor approval letter/email)
-Date(s) of any other requests you've had
-Whether or not the principal applicant is non-visa exempt
-Current location of the principal applicant- closest major city is fine if you don't want to be too specific!