it has nothing to do with immigration quebec (except me in a way yes because of the csq)
most people that go through the process do not have all the problems me and my wife experienced. I am the 1 case that make the exception. Well let's put it that way if my memory is right from what i was told it's that it takes 5 (not sure) to 11 months after reception of the csq. Since all know here Buffalo did not receive (twice) aka they lost it the CSQ from Quebec well they "received it" by me and my wife end of november... so it makes maybe april if i understood right to october which is what immigration canada made it sounds like... they said to my MP representative to call in 3 months he said screw them i am calling back in a month...
anyway it's not all about Quebec, it's about Buffalo being heartless.. they could have put our case priority... oh and he was told by someone at immigration Canada they do not understand why it took so long to receive the CSQ and they are going to look what happened... i do not hold my breath
Right now i feel lost, confused and depressed.... oh well at least you cal all enjoy the story written in the Post Star
it was funny to be told at church by a lady, hey you are the people from the newspaper, on sunday when you actually didn't read the story yet